
The title and link to this page is “weblog”, which is in reference to the etymology of “blog”. As Cadence writes in an explanatory post,

The story behind the word weblog is that diaries, or logs of one’s activities, when on the web, were called weblogs (web-logs). This was shortened to “blog” somewhere around the mid-2000s.

Me using the word “weblog” rather than the now-meaningless “blog” is an attempt to fight back against [companies running self-described blogs.]

Wikipedia has some further reading on the term.

You can also browse by tag, but this may include posts from different logs.


  1. Zola in Five Minutes

    While described as a kind of “batteries included” SSG, I don’t think this is the case. Zola, in my experience, has proven to be just another SSG that has opinions on defaults.

  2. The Virtues of Good Web Design

    It seems that perfection is attained not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to remove.

    — Antoine de Saint Exupéry, Terre des Hommes (1939) (English variant translation)

    Yes, I did just quote this at you. You’ve probably heard it before. That’s because it sounds poetic. But it’s also true.

  3. My take on Tabs vs. Spaces

    TL;DR: tabs.
  4. The Acolyte was good, actually

    The Star Wars franchise requires more backstory in the reverse direction, and that void is filled by The Acolyte.