1-minute read

According to Maciej Cegłowski’s The Website Obesity Crisis, a tweet that reads,

My modest proposal: your website should not exceed in file size the major works of Russian literature. Anna Karenina, for example, is 1.8 MB

while being around 140 bytes in size, is rendered on Twitter at 900 000 bytes. This was in 2014.

The page is now 8 791 387 bytes (2 239 659 compressed) when loaded on Chrome, and 12 935 670 (2 873 620 compressed) on Firefox.

No joke, that is literally one hundred thousand to one crap to text ratio.

Throttling for a DSL connection, the HTML is loaded after 5.5 seconds, the “page” after 9.5, and things stop downloading in the background after 35.5 seconds, then start again later, finishing finally at either 3 minutes or never.

Toggling uBlock Origin does not change request size.