
A tumblelog is a quick and dirty stream of consciousness, a bit like a remaindered links style linklog but with more than just links.

Jason Kottke, as cited by Wikipedia

I don’t like to keep links in my journal as they’ll probably expire sometime in the future. Unlike my journal, I don’t expect my site to stay up forever, so the medium is as fleeting as its outreaches.


  1. Woohoo!

    This site is now published online, like, for real actually.

  2. According to Maciej Cegłowski’s The Website Obesity Crisis, a tweet that reads,

    My modest proposal: your website should not exceed in file size the major works of Russian literature. Anna Karenina, for example, is 1.8 MB

    while being around 140 bytes in size, is rendered on Twitter at 900 000 bytes. This was in 2014.

  3. What is my logo?

    The inspiration and path taken to get to the logo I have now.
  4. Firefox crashes when devtools are opened with a bad CSS import.
  5. A Void Linux 88x31 button

    Inspired by that of classabbyamp
  6. Japan registers for a TLD (they still don’t have) in the most officially terse way possible
  7. Grid/gap resources
  8. The significance of a trailing slash in URLs
  9. Google is now an official monopoly? About time.